I left you a voicemail this morning. i was bitten very badly by our cat Friday night on my R wrist. By Saturday eve, I had to go to the hosptal b/c my arm, wrist and hand had become swollen and infected. I got IV antibiotics, and cannot use my right hand at all for a week. I have practically no function in the hand at all. It is in a sling. I am typing w my left hand. What can we work out for the test tomorrow? I won't be able to write until Saturday, November 29th.
Deb K.
Turns out introducing the cats has been quite the challenge. Last Friday they were in the same room, looking at one another, debating what they wanted to do. I decided I should compliment and pet Madeline, our "resident cat", so that she felt loved, important, you know, her self esteem wouldn't suffer. I mean, a cat's self esteem is important, right? Right? Hmm...
Bad idea. Madeline mistook my hand reaching down as an act of aggression, and proceeded to bite down on my wrist, puncturing it. Here's the aftermath...
This is a cell phone picture, but you can see the punctures on my wrist, accompanied by spreading dark redness, swelling, a hand that wouldn't bend for days. Oh, there are also pen marks on my arm. That was on purpose so the hospital could see if it was getting worse. Last night, one of the punctures resembed a zit. I squeezed it, and it behaved just like a zit. Gross.
Quite painful. Quite stupid on my part. The only good thing is I didn't have to take my exam this week. I have to take it Monday morning.
We (my friend Jen and I) had fun in the ER. The staff wasn't busy and we got to hear great stories of escapades that have landed people in the ER. It appears that people like to stick things up their butts. Things like:
- A can of Aqua Net hairspray
- An eyeglasses case
- A vibrator that was still running, yet stuck. They had to let the batteries run out before the person went to surgery.
Finally, lots of people have gone to the ER with cat bites. Apparently I'm in good company. I'm just glad I didn't go in with a cat shoved in my butt. I can't imagine under what circumstances something like that would happen. Then again, I doubt some of those other folks intended to get things in their butts either.
On that super appetizing note, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!