Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I realized with horror...

that today when I went to school to see Evan's festival of the arts concert, that I looked like, like, well, like a mom. Yes, I know I'm a mom, but seriously, today I looked like a mom mom. I wore a turquoise polo shirt, jeans, and my New Balance sneakers. Pair that with the requisite jean jacket, and voila! Instant suburban mom at your service! (though I will contend that my haircut/color does not look like typical "mom" hair).

Now I'm no fashionista whatsoever, but today was just a particularly bad outfit day. So, I decided to come home and look for some websites that might sell clothes with a non mom bent. Boy, did I find one! I just couldn't resist posting about this. Somehow, I don't know how, Google led me to this website.


Their slogan is, and I kid you not is "Because it shouldn't cost a lot to look this cheap." Here is the proof...

Ok, after seeing their main page, I had to look at some of these clothes. I think I found a few things that will work for me to wear, especially when going to or volunteering at elementary school functions. Let me know what you think.

Need help for the spring fundraising carnival? No problem. Just remember, it gets hot when you work outside, so make sure to wear something light with adequate venilation...

Career Day? You know, when you go in and talk to the kids about different careers? Lawyer, doctor, musician, humanitarian? I think it's time we help these kids think outside the box a little bit, especially the girls. Just because you live in Oreland doesn't mean you can't have a very successful career in prostitution! Right?

PTA meeting on how we can help our kids embrace economic diversity within different geographical areas? This "ghetto fabulous" shirt will be perfect!

Let's say your 1st grade class is reading and doing a book report on "Heidi". This outfit would be a great choice when coming in to read as a guest reader to the class. Then they really could get a sense of the Heidi/St. Pauli girl garb of that era.

Finally, when it is time for a parent/teacher conference, it is important that you balance looking dressed up with casual elegance. You don't want the teacher to think you're trying to out-dress them or something. Just throw this on and off you go!

I think I'll go check out Old Navy to see what they have for the spring...


Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm a hoochie momma, but I think some of the clothes were cute.

MommyC said...

I think this outfit has you written all over it.

I'll leave the description for when to wear it up to you...


Deb said...

I'll wear that for Pentecost.

Anonymous said...

You know, there's a link on the site to model for them.

Deb said...

Hey S,

I think you would be a FABULOUS model for them. I'll send them your headshots right away.


Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that fashion faux pas of us engineers.


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